“If the angel deigns to come
it will be because you have convinced her,
not by tears but by your humble resolve
to be always beginning; to be a beginner.”
This quotation from Rilke has informed my work from the time I first felt the sensual delight in the use of paint particularly oil. Whether the subject has been representational or more abstract it is the actual plasticity of the paint that has given the work its character. Another aspect of this 'to be a beginner' is the suspension of the intellectual mind, to work from instinct and intuition rather than the cerebral. This means I cannot paint every day, like the weather it's changeable, the energy is not always there. I have to be patient, not dispair and the moment will come. In some ways this reduces my ownership of the work, and I have never been a part of the market place. Its just my way of working and my high regard for the whole process of creation, 'if the angel deigns to come it will be because you have convinced not by tears but by your humble resolve to be always beginning; to be a beginner'.
My work has taken me back to memory and place, focusing on recent travels to three very contrasting islands. The gestural mark and the love of what paint can do is exhilarating and scarey! My starting point, a gut reaction to the quality in a Hodgkin piece has taken me on a journey which will continue.

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